Research Reviews Understanding of Sexual Needs

Loving nude couple engaging in sexual games

Understanding of Sexual Needs

Research data collected from Southern California University participants’ reviews needs of sexual intimacy. The study is also known as NSIS (Needs for Sexual Intimacy Scale).  Different sexual issues were reviewed during the study including sexual desires, sexual attitudes and sexual awareness.  Males were viewed to have higher levels of sexual needs and desires compared to females, but the study takes a look at different concepts on a broader scale. This is due to sexual intimacy being seen as more than just meeting desires and motivations, according to researchers.

Over 400 male and female college students from Southern California University took part in the study. Most students who were part of the study claim they had sexual intercourse at least once. The students ranged from different ethnic backgrounds with many claiming to have had multiple sexual partners between the ages of 18 and 46.  Most of the students who participated were female.  Several admitted to being in a casual relationship while taking part in the study.

The study included rating over 20 sexual needs and they were rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1disagree definitely and 5 agree definitely.  The survey content featured phrases and descriptions that detailed sexual needs or general ideas.  Participants would rate each of these concepts accordingly.  Examples included “…to have more sex” and “…a partner I can manipulate.”  Certain areas related to dominance, sex. And affiliation saw higher scores.  The study also reviewed sexual orientation to get an idea if individuals would engage in sexual events without commitment.  Sexual awareness topics such as sexual monitoring, sexual assertiveness and sex appeal were also reviewed.

Details from different parts of the study were compared to earlier research findings to get an idea of shifts and changes.  Attitudes and relationships were also accessed such as “friends with benefits.” The study also reviewed intimacy-related measures including a game-playing love style that many claimed they enjoyed engaging in when sexual desires were present.  Males reported higher needs for sex than females, yet the findings revealed that men and women seemed to be aware of sexual needs quite often.  Those who claimed to not see a problem with having friendships with benefits seemed to have higher sexual desires or a greater sexual need.

Certain sexual behaviors seemed to have different connections. Some who felt the need for dominance may or may not have an unrestricted sexuality or openness to sex.  Romance didn’t always have a positive effect or association when it came to sexual needs. Content from the study may help researchers understand human sexuality, its relationship to intimacy and associated behaviors that result.  In the past, sexual needs and desires were found to be related to risky sexual behaviors such as failing to disclose an STD (sexual transmitted disease) to their partner prior to sexual activity.  Yet, results related to this study have researchers believing people may not practice safe sex as often or be tested for STDs regularly.  Those who may report having fewer sexual partners were less likely to use protection.

The diagram below shows participant answers where 65.4% were female from 18-46 year-old when another 34.6% were male 18-46 year-old.
